Wind Farm Energy
Wind is a clean, abundant, and renewable energy resource that can be successfully tapped to produce electricity
Obtaining energy from this source is particularly effective in sea areas, where the wind, due to the lack of barriers, reaches a higher and more constant speed than on land. To use this energy resource in the most efficient way, wind farms are placed on the seabed.
Installing offshore wind farms is a complex task. The biggest problem is the permanent foundation of wind turbines and substations on the seabed. The Polish Baltic Sea is covered with various types of sediments, from clays, through fine-grained sands and coarse sands, to gravels and stones, with a sediment thickness of 50 to 100 m. For this reason, before installing a wind turbine, an assessment of its location should be carried out. Geological and geotechnical characteristics are extremely important when designing foundations for offshore wind turbines. This is because wind farm installations without prior inspection of the ground can be destroyed or damaged by hydrodynamic processes activated by wind and wave action. Geohazard assessment is also important when designing submarine cables for electricity transmission.